Now, coming to this greenish team... lead by Jethro... with Eliz & Tommy in it...
Eliz - young lady with big heart.. to begin her fashion label before age 30!! yeahz... then in future, all of us,the tai-tais will buy from you k? A very enthusiastic lady with a super cheerful smile and sweet voice that seldom fails to charm our Guang Rong Dage into helping her...hhmm.. gotta learn this skill well.. *haha* n perform on You-Know-Who!

Another green persons... Jethro and Grace Gan... Jethro... should be a super pursuer... from the Army *suddenly it dawns on me why ur team is in green!!* very vocal guy with loads to share... and a good maffia teammate too.. *haha* still remember we Maffia-ed all the way on the bus journey to KL and ALSO back from KL...even in pitch darkness... good memories...
Grace Gan... another Maffia kaki... So wow at her when first contact with her on the 6 hours journey up and down Du Sun Eco Resort... but gradually see her changing and becoming more and more business-lady like... =) Jia you!
Finally, focus on the guy with a very kitten look... that'z Tommy!! an indonesian-chinese... but looks and talks very ang-mo-rish... ultimately, a very nice person to talk to..and helpful as well... willing to offer his beds to RuiJing & Yee Wen on the night of SPS... though we din went over... but thanks again bro!! =) you are really nice... thanks again...
ok... rushing to makan... got ahmad to prepare food.. thanks..
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