Lombard Lane, Off Fleet Street [familiar? is in Da Vinci Code --> searching for the Templar Church - which is very near my place & went for the Da Vinci Code walk w/ Conradize]
is a very Ikea - w/ white, black & silver grey theme!
very modern indeed & plasma tv w/ 100+ channels!
All the kitchen appliances, knifes, fork, spoon, even fridge! - All Brand New!!!

Front door.. walk up the lane towards the right, is Fleet Street & not forgetting
Mr HR-HM's appt & if head down the left side, is the River Thames..
Always rmb the shock of my life.. Let me just blog the encounter here..
Was ard 1-2am, ard 4degrees & Mr HR-HM & me were talking on the dock on River Thames.. While walking back, met this Taiwanese guy who knows zero english word, walked from Zone 3 to Zone 1 (which is like Boon Lay to Orchard Road), & will be walking back or catching a bus if he can find any (!! duh!! 2 am? Bus??? don't know what is he thinking.. but i admire him for his courage and definitely his stamina) Neway, while walking along the pavement of those typical tradition London bldg which houses law firms and accounting firms.. Suddenly, on my right side, near the door of the bldg, a black object rose!!
Guess what was my reaction? Run? No! i very jiang yi qi one.. I grabbed Mr HR-HM on his arm and pulled him along, trying to run for 4 sec to realise that that was a homeless man..
Result? my reflex was so strong that i jerked my own collar bone & worst still,
Mr HR-HM endured his first ever nail piercing scratch on his arm! (imagine how much force there was to leave such deep red markings on his arm when he was in his Fleece Sweater!!)
For once, i believe in my own strength and definitely my instinctive adrenaline pump was fast! cos of Hunza? haha.. (roflol if u noe what i talking abt..

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