A very pretty wedding.. just simple and lovely... and the blowing of bubbles is definitely fun! Afterall, this is my first time...

Artistic yeh? when the bride was brought in by her mum..

This is the bride and groom...see the interestingly sexy back yet still very conservative... marvelous...
yes! i got something to say here... see the photographer and videoman!! GOSH!!
See, look here... a wedding is a ceremony for the superior-being and all my friends & relatives to give their blessing and to watch me and my husband be wedded LIVE!!!
and my dear photographers & whoever there are! they are blocking the way!! they are blocking my view! they are blocking my blessing flowing directly to them!!
true isn't it? *hah*
Next time, if and if i ever plan to wed in this way, i will not bring in the photographers and videoman... i will do it on the day before!! *yeah baby* This concept is already communicated and guaranteed by my other 1/2... *gees*...

particularly, i love this photo... cos of the colour combination... and the rose that is tied to the chair... i promise myself silently in my heart that when i own the sail, all the chairs in my house must have fresh rose tied to them just like this one...
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